Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed our annual golf tournament at The Washington National Golf Course in Auburn. We had a terrific turnout and look forward to doing it again next year!
Congratulations to the following teams and golfers!
1st Place (Scored 56)—Team 1A (Pat Scoccolo (SCI Infrastructure), Travis Scoccolo, Robby Hopkins (SCI Infrastructure), Ted Hentschell (Hentschell & Associates)
2nd Place (Scored 57)—Team 17A Goodfellow Bros., Inc. (Ryan Phelan, Erin Redmond, Billy VanBerkom, and Joey Merrill)
3rd Place (Scored 57)—Team 12B (Scott Newton (Northwest Linings & Geotextile Products, Inc), Brett Holmstrom (Northwest Linings & Geotextile Products, Inc.), Mike Hemphill (Roberts Johns & Hemphill, PLLC), and Ryan McBride (Scarsella Bros. Inc)
Putting Contest Winner—Chris DeGrazia (CNA)
Eagle Contest Winner—Team 18A, Glenn Watkins (HD Supply Waterworks), Mike Waldner (Karvel Construction), Joey Taylor (HD Supply Waterworks), Jim Henricks (BDZ Construction)
Closest to the Pin Winner (Men’s)—Ryan Phelan (Goodfellow Bros. Inc)
Closest to the Pin Winner (Women’s)—Erin Redmond (Goodfellow Bros. Inc)
Longest Drive Winner (Men’s)—Sean Fallows (Philadelphia Insurance)
Longest Drive Winner (Women’s)—Cindy Jaeger (Oldcastle Precast)